The Astrology I have found most useful for my clients and the inner work I enjoy holding space for, is called Evolutionary Astrology. Evolutionary Astrology addresses Karmic issues and evolutionary growth, so you learn about why you attract the situations and partners you attract, why you have the family dynamics that you have in this life, and more.
Evolutionary Astrology is your map or guide to then do your inner work. I will help you incorporate the use of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and past life regression, to heal old Karma (unfinished business), and understand past relationships and patterns. This then brings wisdom and understanding into your inner process, and you can create and see your life differently.
My belief is that you are the one that has chosen the majority of your human experience, based on past experiences. You are still looking to understand certain issues, or create them in some new way to gain wisdom and move on to new human experiences and evolve.
Our societal programming is old and outdated, and if you want to have a different experience of life, then it is important to heal old wounds and change your perspective. As an example: relationships don't make you happy, they make you Conscious, and people in your life, your family, co-workers, bosses, neighbors, and intimate partners, are mirroring back to you what still needs to be understood and healed. This is why you keep on attracting similar situations and similar types of people into your life.
Experiencing hard times is part of the human experience. YOU are a creator, and you powerfully create your life experience, your relationships, your health, and your joy every day. If you want to experience and create differently then your old programming could use an update.
Are you ready?