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Do you become anxious prior to, and during test taking?
Does your mind draw a blank when you feel you know the answers
but can't remember?
Do you have a core belief that you are not smart enough or good enough?
Using hypnosis to calm your nervous system and your mind are easy
with a little training.
When your mind and body are calm you are able to recall information stored in your memory and feel more confident.
*Disclaimer: You must know and understand the information you are testing for. Hypnosis is not the Matrix, it does not download the answers for you.
On average, 3+ sessions are highly effective for test taking.
This is a very common fear that many people have.
You might feel that you don’t know enough to speak about your subject matter, so only more preparation is required. Or you might have a core belief that you are not smart enough, or you fear saying the wrong thing.
Fear of public speaking causes your thoughts to shut down, your stomach to be nauseous and your legs to shake, as if you're going to the guillotine. This might make you laugh, but that is what it feels like for most people.
You may not believe in past lives, but regardless of your belief, utilizing past life regression for this fear is very effective and interesting, but other hypnosis sessions can be used.
On average, 3+ sessions can be effective for fear of public speaking.
What are your fears and phobias?
Spiders and snakes?
Fear of flying?
Driving your car in bad weather?
What about fear of heights?
Fear of crowds?
Fear of becoming ill?
Even riding in an elevator can be scary for some people.
Let's uncover the fear and neutralize the emotional trigger!
1 to 3 sessions are usually effective for reducing the above mentioned fears.
What do you do, or don’t do, that blocks your success or prevents you from accomplishing your goals? Self-sabotage usually happens unconsciously. These behaviors can affect your personal relationships and professional success as well as your mental health.
What are your self-sabotage patterns?
Are you consciously aware of why you self-sabotage, or are you completely unconscious of why you self-sabotage?
3 to 6 sessions are common to uncover and repattern self-sabotage behaviors
Do you want to quit smoking or do you feel pressured by a loved one to stop?
Do you feel your health changing in an unfavorable way?
Is the cost too high and quitting would give you a big raise $$$
If you feel pressured to quit, but want to look into the use of hypnosis as an option, you can schedule a 1.5 hour session to uncover your reason for starting, what your connection is to the physical action, scent, or underlying emotion, and bring this information to your conscious awareness before you fully commit.
You must have a desire to change any behavior for hypnosis to work.
5 to 8+ sessions are common
The number of sessions will depend on your commitment to stopping, the support you have around you, and sometimes the length of time you have been smoking, but not always. Your full commitment to becoming a non-smoker can outweigh the length of time that you have used cigarettes or vapes.
When you commit to be a non-smoker